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Next Buffalo speaker

Dr. Tye Caldwell

Buffalo AKG Art Museum

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What is CreativeMornings?

CreativeMornings is a free breakfast speaker series that happens every month in cities around the world. Here in Buffalo, we formed a chapter to join the collective in 2016. Entirely through volunteerism, we’ve welcomed nearly 100 of the city’s thought leaders to the stage, building community and sustainability around the idea of creativity as a universal resource. Everyone is creative, it is not a synonym for the arts. And in that light, we develop education and enrichment opportunities, fueling creative capital investment into the region. We also really like donuts.

What is a typical event?

Doors open at 8:30 AM to breakfast, mingling, and activity stations. The show begins promptly at 9:00, with a musical opener, emcee'd welcome, and 20-minute talk from the speaker. An opportunity for Q+A and sharing with the audience happens around 9:45. Then you're off to your day by 10:00.

Can anyone attend?

Yes! Everyone is creative; everyone is welcome!

Wait, I work then!

Maybe we can help convince your boss that attending works? And, when we have the volunteer capacity, talks are live-streamed. Check out their event pages for availability and find any past talk in the Buffalo archive.

Is there a cost to attend?

No, CreativeMornings is a totally free event here and all around the world.

How do I register to attend?

In Buffalo, we gather on the second Friday of every month. Once the event is listed, it’ll appear at the top of our chapter page, here. Then at noon, on the Monday before, you’ll be able to reserve your seat via that event page.

How can I learn about upcoming events?

Subscribe to our local newsletter. You'll receive these invitations to your inbox.

How can I become a sponsor?

Oh phew, that was quick! Here are some of the ways we help folks advertise and enrich their work with us. Drop us a line, let’s get a coffee. Building out thoughtful, dynamic sponsorship offerings for our community to experience WNY’s creativity array is something we dig.

I have something to give!

This whole thing is an engine of generosity, from the volunteers whose talent has made it run to attendees volunteering their time and attention to folks on stage each month. Giving is our love language. Send that language our way.